The contents of these web pages are prepared and directed to both
the continuing education and updating the activities of veterinarians.

From the clinical case to the diagnosis of leishmaniasis in the dog

Prof. George Lubas, chairman of the CLWG, will held the day June 22nd starting from 1:30 pm a web seminar on Zoom platform on the SCIVAC-EV web site whose title is “From the clinical case to the diagnosis of leishmaniasis in the dog”.

This on-line event is part of the continuing education plan of the Ecuphar firm that support all the scientific activities of the Canine Leishmaniasis Working Group.

For further information about the connection please refer to the file that can be downloaded here from this link.

From the clinical case to the diagnosis of leishmaniasis in the dog


The Executive Board of CLWG has been renewed
On the occasion for the autumnal meeting of CLWG that has been held in Rome on November 10th, 2023, a general and extraordinary assembly to renew the Executive Board has been organized. Indeed, the regular expiry of the Executive Board was originally set at the end of March 2024. Due to administrative reasons the deadline has been anticipated of few months.
prof. Domenico Otranto

In the autumnal meeting of CLWG that has been held in Rome the last November 10th, 2023, the participation as effective member of CLWG of Prof. Domenico Otranto has been approved by the general assembly. 

Prof. Otranto is a full professor of Parassitological Disease at the University of Bari, Department of Veterinary Medicine and diplomate of European Board of Veterinary Specialist in Parassitology. 

CLWG meeting of Novarello, September 18th, 2022 Canine leishmaniosis: old and new evidence. Let’s talk together

After almost two years of scientific and continuing education del CLWG using remote connections, a scientific meeting of continuing education on site has been organized at Granozzo di Monticello, Novara whose title is “Canine leishmaniosis: old and new evidence. Let’s talk together”. To attend this meeting is necessary the registration. The planning of the meeting is organized with five presentations:

In order to streamline the study above different features of canine leishmaniasis the following three subgroups have been established:

Management and implementation of studies and protocols on canine leishmaniasis: Dr. Michele Maroli (coordinator), Dr. Nunzio D’Anna, Dr. Luigi Gradoni, Dr. Alessandra Fondati, Prof. George Lubas, Prof. Saverio Paltrinieri, Dr. Xavier Roura, Prof. Andrea Zatelli, Dr. Eric Zini

Nephrology and Leishmaniasis: Prof. Andrea Zatelli, Dr. Xavier Roura, Prof. Oscar Cortadellas, Dr. Silvia Benali.

CLWG management and promotion: Prof. George Lubas (coordinator), Dr. Paola Bianchi.