The second Live Webinar on Canine Leishmaniasis (CanL) of 2021 will be held by Dr. Alessandra Fondati on June 10th, beginning at 1.30 pm for about 40 minutes plus some time for the questions from the attendees. This free access Webinar is organized with the cooperation of Ecuphar and Point Veterinaire Italie. Dr. Fondati will present the diagnostic challenges in dermatology, when CanL could be the probable cause of skin problems in the dog.
Indeed, the skin problems are common clinical signs of CanL and they are shown by most of the infected dogs, and they are extremely variables. Then, in dogs with skin problems living in endemic areas the CanL is often included in the list of differential diagnosis. However, when the prevalence of infection is elevated, could be rather difficult to rule-in/out if the skin lesions should be related to CanL. In these cases, a relationship should be assessed between the CanL and the skin lesions, demonstrating the presence of parasites in the skin. Several techniques should be arranged to demonstrate the presence of parasites including cytology, histopatology, immunohistochemistry, and molecular biology as PCR. Few clinical scenarios will be presented as an example of diagnostic challenges.
To access to this Webinar the enrollment is necessary, and it is possible with this link: